According to many crocheters, 2015 was supposed to be the year of completing the WIPs (works in progress). Of course, I was too busy to bother with such banalities! However, I have been taking stock of everything I have stashed, and I have begun to think that there may be some merit to this type of “housecleaning”. These musings have blended with my New Year’s resolutions, which I  have been carrying out rather poorly but haven’t given up on yet. So to this end, the following are the WIPs I feel I need to finish.


This will be my Butterfly Box. My husband brought home some computer related thing in this box, and the box is wonderful! It is shaped like a book and even has an embedded magnet for a closure. The main fabric is polyester with butterflies in a black starry night sky filled with tiny silver studs and glitter. After I properly adhere the fabric, I want to make a black tatted butterfly to give a 3-D effect to the white butterfly shown. Or perhaps I should quilt certain butterflies on the lid. Obviously, I’m still in the planning stages – especially how to get the fabric nicely turned in on the book edges.


This is my Celebration Garland. I started it a couple years ago – haven’t gotten very far, have I? Big Lots sells mini plastic ornaments at Christmas, and I thought that they would look great crocheted in bright colors and strung as a garland. I found nylon thread that has a nice sheen to it, but it really isn’t the easiest to crochet with. The nice thing about this project is that it could be used for just about any celebration, not just Christmas.


These are the fabrics I’ll be using for my quilt. They’re actually a knit top and two suede-like skirts, so the quilt will be more of an afghan size. I do have other materials I bought for a quilt, but this is the one I’ll work on first.

I’ve wanted to make a quilt for some time now, but I never knew exactly what I’d do. I have a cousin that once told me she also wanted to make a quilt, but sadly she waited too long and now her ill health prevents that creation. So I decided that I’ve waited long enough and I should do this before I become too decrepit.


And last but not least, my dots made from Lion Brand Bonbons. The original idea was to make a scarf/shawl from the dots by stringing them together. Problem was that later I saw this done for a scarf and decided I didn’t like it. I am thinking now that they could make a delightful baby blanket. Of course I still have to figure out how they will be attached or crocheted into the blanket – such details!

In fact, I do have a couple more projects, but they haven’t been started yet so technically they aren’t WIPs. I believe I’ve taken my slogan of “crocheted flights of fancy” a little too literally, though, because flitting around from project to project has left me with a lot of unused yarn. Which led me to New Year’s resolution #5 – No new yarn purchases until I’ve used up at least half my stash. Oh, the agony!